Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cody And Zach's Buzzcuts

WE SHAVED OUR HAIR OFF! from Cody Weston on Vimeo.


  1. This is a great video except for the old dude right in the middle of it.

    Vimeo streaming is really slow, slower than youtube. Plus iPhone cannot natively view it even though formats are right.

  2. i totally agree...
    if someone could download the video, edit to take off the part of the old man, and post it on youtube, i would apreciate that...

  3. You don't really call that shaving all your hair off, do you? As good a cause as it is, you haven't really sacrificed all that much. You've just ended up with what I'd call a regular haircut, as opposed to the mops you had earlier.
